Samuel Bayer
Smartass troubadour.

December 31: Happy new year, everybody! I'm thrilled to report that the album is fabulous and almost mastered. Come the new year, I'll be able to send those drink coasters out to all you faithful listeners. I am immoderately delighted by this news, or perhaps that's relief, or maybe a touch of indigestion.

Songs:Meet Cute
Video:Coronavirus 2020 tour: Bullets'n'Bagels, Medicine Sock, WY
Album:The Great Indoors (digital here (or here, if you still feel like spending money)
Gig:February 5, at David Scott's songwriters in the round series at the Somerville Armory

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"He's awesome!"
- Paul Duffy, Front Street Coffeehouse

"You are among the best entertainers I've ever listened to."
- audience member

"I think your psyche must be a very interesting place."
- unidentified audience member

"...a local treasure..."
- Club Passim Calendar

"[Sam Bayer's] bass voice rumbles with mellifluous ease through each tune... Consider yourself blessed whenever you have the opportunity to experience his music!"
- Julie Woods

"Sam Bayer's songs have the power to grip my heart and demand my attention."
- Susan Master

"One of the finest songwriters in the state, if not the region."
- Steve Rapson

"Sam Bayer's songs drag us, kicking and screaming, into the 'Tune Town' that is America in the twenty-first century."
- John Boehmer

"...original songs rich in imagery and rhythm, sung like honey on sandpaper."
- Chris Pahud, Wessagussett Coffeehouse

Subscribe here, unsubscribe here (like you'd want to).
General nonsense, if you'd just like to say hi, or ask me about one of my songs, or invite me to a gig, or inform me that I've just won a stupendous prize. Please be patient; our fulfillment department in Bangalore is still getting the hang of English slang...